Case Study

Town of New Canaan- Space Study for Police and EMS

The Geddis Partnership was engaged to undertake a planning study for the Town of New Canaan to review the facilities housing the police department and the Volunteer Ambulance Corps.  The two organizations were housed in separate facilities on the same campus that had originally been the Town’s high school.  The police department occupies the historically significant high school while the ambulance corps is housed in an outbuilding which was the school’s auto shop.  Both organizations needed additional space and both facilities needed modernization.  The study focused on determining the space needs for both facilities, evaluating the conditions of the existing structures, and developing alternative scenarios including renovations and new construction.  Another important aspect of the study was to analyze the site to improve circulation for the many different types of emergency vehicles and to expand parking.  The final report included several alternatives with phasing implications and cost analysis.